Shipping, ports

Operational safety on land and water

This business handles increasing international and inland traffic on the living waters of Hungary regarding waterborne passenger and freight transport, cruise ship tourism, as well as Budapest cruise and restaurant boats and the leisure and private boating sector. In a fiercely competitive environment, increasing traffic is forcing port and ship operating companies to develop more advanced passenger and cargo security and passenger information systems in order to maintain and increase traffic and achieve greater service levels and customer satisfaction. 

Port and ship operating companies are paying greater attention to providing accurate information and good communication with their customers, while digital transition in the field of communication and information is also increasingly widespread. Moreover, they are also placing great emphasis on areas such as the operational safety of ships and their service equipment, the tracking and traceability of incidents within port jurisdictions, and the prevention and avoidance of fires in ships and ports. 

One of the most important regulations relating to the operation of ships and ports is the Port Order, which is issued with the approval of the National Transport Authority. 

Shipping, ports

It is in everyone’s interest that safety hazards do not arise in ports, where often dozens of high-value ships may be stationed at the same time. 

As far as people and passenger traffic are concerned, everyone must be informed accurately and in accordance with the requirements of our times, while fire safety rules should be in place to prevent ships catching fire. Therefore, it is advisable to introduce the most up-to-date preventive safety measures for vehicles and other loading and unloading machinery moving around ports and carrying out logistics activities.